Gadivarta is committed to adhering to the highest standards of journalism as outlined by the Digital News Publishers Association (DNPA). Our goal is to provide accurate, fair, and balanced news to our readers.
Our Commitments:
1. Accuracy: We strive to report news accurately and ensure that all information is verified from reliable sources before publication. 2. Fairness: We are committed to fair reporting, giving voice to all sides of a story and avoiding biased or prejudiced content. 3. Independence: We maintain editorial independence and are free from undue influence from advertisers, sponsors, or any external entities. 4. Transparency: We disclose any potential conflicts of interest and are transparent about our sources and methods. 5. Accountability: We are accountable to our readers and will promptly correct any errors in our reporting.
How to Report Concerns:
If you have any concerns about our adherence to the DNPA Code of Ethics, please contact us with the following information:
• A description of your concern. • The URL of the relevant page or article. • Your contact information (optional).
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Our Response:
Upon receiving your concern, we will:
• Review the information provided. • Investigate the matter thoroughly. • Take appropriate action to address any violations of the DNPA Code of Ethics. • Inform you of the outcome of our investigation.
We value your feedback and are committed to maintaining the highest standards of journalistic integrity.
Contact Us:
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