At Gadivarta, we strive for accuracy and clarity in our reporting. However, if you spot an error or inaccuracy in our content, we encourage you to let us know so we can address it promptly.
How to Report an Error:
If you believe you have found an error or inaccuracy, please contact us with the following information:
• A description of the error or inaccuracy. • The URL of the page where the error is located. • Your contact information (optional).
You can report errors by emailing us at
Our Commitment:
Upon receiving your correction request, we will:
• Review the information provided. • Verify the accuracy of the reported error. • Make the necessary corrections as soon as possible. • Update the content to reflect the corrected information.
We value your feedback and appreciate your assistance in helping us maintain high standards of accuracy and integrity in our content.
Contact Us:
For any questions or concerns regarding our correction policy, please contact us at:
Address: Gadivarta, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, UP 243001, India
Thank you for helping us improve our content!
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